Un user cu numele 'teapotuberhacker' de pe GTAForums care spune ca a fost si in spatele hack ului de la Uber a postat 90 de clipuri din varianta de test a jocului Grand Theft Auto 6. Screenshots si clipuri circula pe Youtube , Twitter , Reddit si pe alte platforme unde toate sugereaza ca ar contine multiple caractere de joc printre care unul feminim , actiunea fiind situata pe langa Miami Vice City.
Datele au fost validate de catre reporterul Bloomberg Jason Schreier care a declarat "Not that there was much doubt, but I've confirmed with Rockstar sources that this weekend's massive Grand Theft Auto VI leak is indeed real. The footage is early and unfinished, of course. This is one of the biggest leaks in video game history and a nightmare for Rockstar Games"